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PortableGUI |
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// Import all PortableGUI include files #include <portablegui.h> // Selection modes #define MOUSE_MODE_CLICK 0 #define MOUSE_MODE_LINE 1 #define MOUSE_MODE_RECT 2 // Drawing object types #define DRAW_TYPE_LINE 0 #define DRAW_TYPE_ARC 1 #define DRAW_TYPE_ROUNDRECT 2 #define DRAW_TYPE_STAR 3 #define DRAW_TYPE_LOGO 4 #define DRAW_TYPE_TEXT 5 // Forward declaration class MyCanvas; // Main frame window PGFrame* g_hMainFrame; // Status bar PGPanel* g_hStatus; // PortableGUI Logo PGImage* g_hLogo; // For drawing MyCanvas* g_hMyCanvas; // Object array PGVector* g_hObjects; // Size for lines PGIntegerField* g_hLineSize; // Radion button groups PGButtonGroup* m_hGroup1; PGButtonGroup* m_hGroup2; // Mouse rectangle position int g_iStartX, g_iStartY; int g_iPrevX, g_iPrevY; // Mode for selection int g_iMode = MOUSE_MODE_LINE; // Colors for drawing objects PGColor* g_hColors[] = { PGCOLOR_BLACK, PGCOLOR_BLUE, PGCOLOR_GRAY, PGCOLOR_GREEN, PGCOLOR_ORANGE, PGCOLOR_RED, PGCOLOR_WHITE, PGCOLOR_YELLOW }; // An object that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObject : public PGObject { protected: int m_iX1, m_iY1; int m_iColor; public: // Construct a new drawable object MyDrawObject(int x, int y, int color) { m_iX1 = x; m_iY1 = y; m_iColor = color; } // Draw the object on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { graph->setColor(g_hColors[m_iColor]); graph->setLineWidth(1); } }; // A line that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectLine : public MyDrawObject { protected: int m_iX2, m_iY2, m_iSize; public: // Construct a new drawable line MyDrawObjectLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int siz, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { m_iX2 = x2; m_iY2 = y2; m_iSize = siz; } // Draw the line on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->setLineWidth(m_iSize); graph->drawLine(m_iX1, m_iY1, m_iX2, m_iY2); } }; // An arc that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectArc : public MyDrawObject { protected: int m_iWidth, m_iHeight; public: // Construct a new drawable arc MyDrawObjectArc(int x1, int y1, int wd, int hi, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { m_iWidth = wd; m_iHeight = hi; } // Draw the arc on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->fillArc(m_iX1, m_iY1, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, 45, 315); } }; // A rectangle with rounded corners that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectRoundRect : public MyDrawObject { protected: int m_iWidth, m_iHeight; public: // Construct a new drawable rounded rectanlge MyDrawObjectRoundRect(int x1, int y1, int wd, int hi, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { m_iWidth = wd; m_iHeight = hi; } // Draw the rounded rectangle on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->fillRoundRect(m_iX1, m_iY1, m_iWidth, m_iHeight, 20, 20); } }; // A star that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectStar : public MyDrawObject { protected: PGPolygon* m_hPoly; public: // Construct a new drawable star MyDrawObjectStar(int x1, int y1, int wd, int hi, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { m_hPoly = makeStar(x1, y1, wd, hi); PGINCREF(m_hPoly); } // Terminate object virtual ~MyDrawObjectStar() { PGDECREF(m_hPoly); } // Create a polygon in the shape of a star PGPolygon* makeStar(int x, int y, int xl, int yl) { PGPolygon* poly = new PGPolygon(10); poly->addPoint(x+xl/2,y); /*1*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl*100/155,y+yl*45/150); /*2*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl,y+yl*45/150); /*3*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl*115/155,y+yl*75/150); /*4*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl,y+yl); /*5*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl/2,y+yl*10/15); /*6*/ poly->addPoint(x,y+yl); /*7*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl*40/155,y+yl*75/150); /*8*/ poly->addPoint(x,y+yl*45/150); /*9*/ poly->addPoint(x+xl*55/155,y+yl*45/150); /*A*/ return poly; } // Draw the star on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->fillPolygon(m_hPoly); } }; // PortableGUI logo that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectLogo : public MyDrawObject { public: // Construct a new drawable PortableGUI logo MyDrawObjectLogo(int x1, int y1, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { } // Draw the PortableGUI logo on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->drawImage(g_hLogo, m_iX1, m_iY1); } }; // The text 'PortableGUI' that can be drawn on our canvas class MyDrawObjectText : public MyDrawObject { protected: PGFont* m_hFont; public: // Construct a new drawable text MyDrawObjectText(int x1, int y1, int wd, int hi, int col) : MyDrawObject(x1, y1, col) { m_hFont = makeFont(wd, hi); PGINCREF(m_hFont); } // Terminate object virtual ~MyDrawObjectText() { PGDECREF(m_hFont); } // Create the font depending on the width and height PGFont* makeFont(int w, int h) { int size = PGMathMin(w/15, h/4)*2; size = PGMathMax(size, 8); size = PGMathMin(size, 40); return new PGFont("Times", PGFONT_BOLD, size); } // Draw the text on screen virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { MyDrawObject::draw(graph); graph->setFont((PGNormalComponent*)g_hMyCanvas, m_hFont); graph->drawString("PortableGUI", m_iX1, m_iY1); } }; // Canvas for drawing the picture class MyCanvas : public PGDoubleBufferCanvas { public: // Return the preferred size for this component virtual void getPreferredSize(PGDimension* dimension, BOOL recalc) { dimension->width = 500; dimension->height = 400; } // Paint all objects virtual void draw(PGGraphics* graph) { // Get size PGDimension dim; getSize(&dim); // Draw background graph->setColor(PGCOLOR_DARKGRAY); graph->fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); // Draw objects for (int ctr = 0; ctr < g_hObjects->getSize(); ctr++) { MyDrawObject* obj = (MyDrawObject*)g_hObjects->getElementAt(ctr); obj->draw(graph); } } // Redraw region painted when mouse-drags void redrawDragRegion() { PGRectangle rect; updateDragRegion(&rect); drawDragRegion(&rect); } // Update region painted when mouse-drags PGGraphics* updateDragRegion(PGRectangle* rect) { // Get buffer graphics PGGraphics* bufGrp = getBufferGraphics(); // Set right clip rect->fromPoints(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, g_iPrevX, g_iPrevY); bufGrp->setClip(rect->x-2, rect->y-2, rect->width+4, rect->height+4); draw(bufGrp); return bufGrp; } // Draw region painted when mouse-drags void drawDragRegion(PGRectangle* rect) { PGGraphics graph; getGraphics(&graph); rect->fromPoints(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, g_iPrevX, g_iPrevY); redraw(rect->x-2, rect->y-2, rect->width+4, rect->height+4, &graph); } }; // Canvas for the color chooser class MyColorCanvas : public PGCanvas { private: PGColor* m_Color; public: // Create a new color chooser canvas MyColorCanvas(PGColor* color) { m_Color = color; } // Return the preferred size for this component virtual void getPreferredSize(PGDimension* dimension, BOOL recalc) { dimension->width = 30; dimension->height = 15; } // Paint the color in a dark gray rectangle virtual void paint(PGGraphics* graph) { PGDimension dim; getSize(&dim); graph->setColor(m_Color); graph->fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); graph->setColor(PGCOLOR_DARKGRAY); graph->drawRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height); } }; // Called when user tries to close the main window class MyWindowListener : public PGWindowListener { // Exit the application virtual void windowClosing(PGWindow* wnd) { getPGApplication()->exit(0); } }; // Called when the user chooses another tool class MyToolListener : public PGActionListener { private: char* m_sStatus; int m_iMode; public: // Create a listener for a tool radio-button MyToolListener(const char* status, int mode) { m_sStatus = (char*)status; m_iMode = mode; } // Update status-bar and change drag mode virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { g_iMode = m_iMode; g_hMainFrame->setStatus(m_sStatus); } }; // Respond to mouse events class MyMouseListener : public PGMouseListener { // Add an object to the canvas void addObject(int x, int y, int w, int h) { BOOL update = FALSE; // Get type and color from radio button groups int type = m_hGroup1->getSelectedIndex(); int col = m_hGroup2->getSelectedIndex(); // Create the drawable object MyDrawObject* obj = (MyDrawObject*)NULL; switch (type) { case DRAW_TYPE_LINE: obj = new MyDrawObjectLine(x, y, w, h, g_hLineSize->getValue(), col); update = TRUE; break; case DRAW_TYPE_ARC: obj = new MyDrawObjectArc(x, y, w, h, col); break; case DRAW_TYPE_ROUNDRECT: obj = new MyDrawObjectRoundRect(x, y, w, h, col); break; case DRAW_TYPE_STAR: obj = new MyDrawObjectStar(x, y, w, h, col); break; case DRAW_TYPE_LOGO: obj = new MyDrawObjectLogo(x, y, col); update = TRUE; break; case DRAW_TYPE_TEXT: obj = new MyDrawObjectText(x, y, w, h, col); update = TRUE; break; } // Add the object g_hObjects->addElement(obj); if (update) { g_hMyCanvas->repaint(); } else { g_hMyCanvas->redrawDragRegion(); } } // Select origin virtual void mousePressed(PGMouseEvent* e) { g_iStartX = e->getX(); g_iStartY = e->getY(); g_iPrevX = g_iStartX; g_iPrevY = g_iStartY; if (g_iMode == MOUSE_MODE_CLICK) addObject(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, 0, 0); } // Draw object virtual void mouseReleased(PGMouseEvent* e) { if (g_iMode != MOUSE_MODE_CLICK) { PGRectangle rect; if (g_iMode == MOUSE_MODE_RECT) { // Rectangle drawing mode rect.fromPoints(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, g_iPrevX, g_iPrevY); } else { // Line drawing mode rect.x = g_iStartX; rect.y = g_iStartY; rect.width = g_iPrevX; rect.height = g_iPrevY; } addObject(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } } // FIXME: The mouseExit message is not available yet virtual void mouseExited(PGMouseEvent* e) { getPGApplication()->println("Exit rgn"); if (g_iMode != MOUSE_MODE_CLICK) g_hMyCanvas->redrawDragRegion(); } }; // Respond to mouse motion events class MyMouseMotionListener : public PGMouseMotionListener { // Mouse is dragged virtual void mouseDragged(PGMouseEvent* e) { if (g_iMode != MOUSE_MODE_CLICK) { PGRectangle rect; PGGraphics* graph = g_hMyCanvas->updateDragRegion(&rect); // Draw rect or line in white graph->setColor(PGCOLOR_WHITE); graph->setLineWidth(1); if (g_iMode == MOUSE_MODE_RECT) { PGRectangle rect; rect.fromPoints(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, e->getX(), e->getY()); graph->drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height); } else { graph->drawLine(g_iStartX, g_iStartY, e->getX(), e->getY()); } g_hMyCanvas->drawDragRegion(&rect); // Remember previous point g_iPrevX = e->getX(); g_iPrevY = e->getY(); } } }; // Create panel with radio-buttons PGPanel* makeLeftPanel() { // Create a buttongroup for the radio buttons PGRadioButton* rdbutton; m_hGroup1 = new PGButtonGroup(); m_hGroup2 = new PGButtonGroup(); // Create panel PGPanel* panel = new PGPanel(); panel->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("p p p p p p 10%d p 90%d p p p p p p p p", 4, 0, TRUE)); // Add tool buttons panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("Line")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw a line"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Drag to draw a line", MOUSE_MODE_LINE)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("Arc")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw a an arc"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Drag to draw an arc", MOUSE_MODE_RECT)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("RoundRect")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw a rectangle with rounded corners"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Drag to draw a rectangle with rounded corners", MOUSE_MODE_RECT)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("Star")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw a star"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Drag to draw a star", MOUSE_MODE_RECT)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("Logo")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw the PortableGUI logo"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Click to draw the PortableGUI logo", MOUSE_MODE_CLICK)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); panel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton("PortableGUI")); rdbutton->setToolTipText("Draw the text 'PortableGUI'"); rdbutton->addActionListener(new MyToolListener("Drag to draw the text 'PortableGUI'", MOUSE_MODE_RECT)); m_hGroup1->add(rdbutton); // Add the line size button PGPanel *entries = new PGPanel(); entries->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(3, 3)); g_hLineSize = new PGIntegerField(1); g_hLineSize->setToolTipText("Set the width for drawing lines"); entries->add(g_hLineSize, PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); entries->add(new PGUpDown(g_hLineSize, 1, 4, 1), PGBORDERLAYOUT_EAST); panel->add(entries); // Add color buttons for (int color = 0; color < 8; color++) { PGPanel* subpanel = new PGPanel(); subpanel->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(0, 0)); subpanel->add(rdbutton = new PGRadioButton(), PGBORDERLAYOUT_WEST); m_hGroup2->add(rdbutton); subpanel->add(new MyColorCanvas(g_hColors[color]), PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); panel->add(subpanel); } return panel; } // Make the panel with the status bar PGPanel* makeStatus(PGFrame* frame, PGImage* file) { // Create style for status line PGStyle* style = new PGStyle(); style->setFont(new PGFont("Dialog", PGFONT_PLAIN, 8)); // Create panel PGPanel* panel = new PGPanel(); panel->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(3, 3)); // Create and add status line PGLabel* status = new PGLabel("Graphics", PGLABEL_SUNKEN); status->setStyle(style); panel->add(status, PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); // Add icon panel->add(new PGImageViewer(file), PGBORDERLAYOUT_EAST); // Add panel to main frame frame->add(panel, PGBORDERLAYOUT_SOUTH); frame->setStatusDisplay(status); return panel; } // Mainproc is different for Windows and GTK PGMAINPROC { PGApplication app; // Initialize the app using Mainproc args PGINIT(app); app.setConsoleEnabled(TRUE); // Create array for objects g_hObjects = new PGVector(); PGINCREF(g_hObjects); // Create main frame window g_hMainFrame = new PGFrame("PGGraphics"); PGINCREF(g_hMainFrame); // Load icon for main window PGColor background(178,178,180); PGImage* file = new PGImage("../../images/file.bmp", &background, g_hMainFrame); g_hMainFrame->setIconImage(new PGIcon(file)); // Load PortableGUI logo g_hLogo = new PGImage("../../images/logo.bmp", PGCOLOR_YELLOW, g_hMainFrame); PGINCREF(g_hLogo); // Add window listener to frame g_hMainFrame->addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener()); // Use simple layoutmanager for the edit control g_hMainFrame->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(1,1,3,3)); // Add the panel with the radio-buttons g_hMainFrame->add(makeLeftPanel(), PGBORDERLAYOUT_WEST); // Add the drawing canvas g_hMyCanvas = new MyCanvas(); g_hMyCanvas->addMouseListener(new MyMouseListener()); g_hMyCanvas->addMouseMotionListener(new MyMouseMotionListener()); g_hMainFrame->add(g_hMyCanvas, PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); // Make and add status bar g_hStatus = makeStatus(g_hMainFrame, new PGImage("../../images/resize.bmp", &background, g_hMainFrame)); PGINCREF(g_hStatus); // Pack and show the frame g_hMainFrame->pack(); g_hMainFrame->setVisible(TRUE); // Run the main event loop PGEXITCODE exitCode = app.run(); // Free global references PGDECREF(g_hObjects); PGDECREF(g_hMainFrame); PGDECREF(g_hLogo); PGDECREF(g_hStatus); return exitCode; }
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