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PortableGUI |
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// Import all PortableGUI include files #include <portablegui.h> // Forward declaration class MyAnimatedCanvas; // Global variables PGAnimatedImage* g_hImage = null; MyAnimatedCanvas* g_hViewer; PGPanel* g_hStatus; PGFrame* g_hMainFrame; PGLabel* g_hFrameCount; PGLabel* g_hDelay; PGLabel* g_hLoopCount; PGCheckbox* g_hAnimate; PGButton* g_hNext; PGButton* g_hPrevious; // Filter for opening files char* g_sFilter = "Animated GIF Files (*.gif)$*.gif$All files (*.*)$*.*$"; // Extend the default image viewer class MyAnimatedCanvas extends PGAnimatedImageViewer { public: MyAnimatedCanvas(int w, int h, PGWindow* window) : PGAnimatedImageViewer(w, h, window) { } // Overide gotoFrame to display frame information virtual void gotoFrame(int idx) { PGString str; PGAnimatedImageViewer::gotoFrame(idx); PGAnimatedImageFrame* frame = getFrame(); str.format("%d/%d", idx+1, getNbFrames()); g_hFrameCount->setText(str); str.format("%d", frame->m_iDelay); g_hDelay->setText(str); int loops = getNbLoops(); if (loops == 0) str.format("%d", m_iLoop); else str.format("%d/%d", m_iLoop, loops); g_hLoopCount->setText(str); } // Skip +1 or -1 frame void gotoNextPrevFrame(int delta) { int nb = getNbFrames(); gotoFrame((m_iCrFrame+delta+nb) % nb); repaint(); } }; // Called when user selects Exit class MyExitListener extends PGActionListener { virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { getPGApplication()->exit(0); } }; // Called when user tries to close the main window class MyWindowListener extends PGWindowListener { virtual void windowClosing(PGWindow* wnd) { getPGApplication()->exit(0); } }; // Called when the menu is closed class MyMenuClosingListener extends PGMenuClosingListener { virtual void menuClosing(PGMenuBar* bar) { g_hMainFrame->setStatus("Animate"); } }; // Called when user selects Open class MyOpenListener extends PGActionListener { virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { // Create file open dialog PGFileDialog dial("Open"); dial.setFilter(g_sFilter); // Display file open dialog if (dial.showFileOpenDialog(g_hMainFrame)) { PGString file(dial.m_sFile); file.toUpperCase(); if (file.indexOf("GIF") != -1) { g_hImage = new PGAnimatedImage(dial.m_sFile.getValue(), g_hMainFrame); } else { PGAnimatedImageFrame* frame = new PGAnimatedImageFrame(dial.m_sFile.getValue(), g_hMainFrame); frame->m_iDelay = 0; frame->m_iXPos = 0; frame->m_iYPos = 0; frame->m_iDisposalMethod = PG_DISPOSAL_NONE; g_hImage = new PGAnimatedImage(g_hMainFrame); PGVector* frames = g_hImage->getFrames(); g_hImage->m_iRows = frame->m_iRows; g_hImage->m_iCols = frame->m_iCols; g_hImage->m_iError = frame->m_iError; frames->addElement(frame); } if (g_hImage->hasError()) { PGString strg; strg.format("Error reading animated GIF: %d", g_hImage->m_iError); getPGApplication()->println(strg); } else { g_hViewer->setImage(g_hImage); g_hViewer->startAnimation(); g_hAnimate->setState(true); } } } }; // Called when the user toggles the animate checkbox class MyAnimateListener extends PGActionListener { virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { boolean enable = g_hAnimate->getState(); if (enable) g_hViewer->startAnimation(); else g_hViewer->stopAnimation(); g_hPrevious->setEnabled(!enable); g_hNext->setEnabled(!enable); } }; // Called when the user clicks 'next' class MyNextListener extends PGActionListener { virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { g_hViewer->gotoNextPrevFrame(+1); } }; // Called when the user clicks 'previous' class MyPreviousListener extends PGActionListener { virtual void actionPerformed(PGActionListenerParent* from) { g_hViewer->gotoNextPrevFrame(-1); } }; // Make the panel with the status bar PGPanel* makeStatus(PGFrame* frame) { PGPanel* panel = new PGPanel(); panel->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(3, 3)); PGLabel* status = new PGLabel("Animate", PGLABEL_SUNKEN); panel->add(status, PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); frame->add(panel, PGBORDERLAYOUT_SOUTH); frame->setStatusDisplay(status); return panel; } // Create panel with radio-buttons PGPanel* makeTopPanel() { // Create panel PGPanel* panel = new PGPanel(); panel->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("p 20% 80%d p", 4, 0, false)); PGPanel* c1 = new PGPanel(); c1->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("33% 33% 33%", 4, 0, true)); c1->add(new PGLabel("Frame:")); c1->add(new PGLabel("Delay:")); c1->add(new PGLabel("Loop:")); panel->add(c1); PGPanel* c2 = new PGPanel(); c2->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("33% 33% 33%", 4, 0, true)); c2->add(g_hFrameCount = new PGLabel("0/0", PGLABEL_SUNKEN)); c2->add(g_hDelay = new PGLabel("0", PGLABEL_SUNKEN)); c2->add(g_hLoopCount = new PGLabel("0/0", PGLABEL_SUNKEN)); panel->add(c2); PGPanel* c3 = new PGPanel(); c3->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("p p 100%d", 4, 0, true)); g_hAnimate = new PGCheckbox("&Animate"); g_hAnimate->setState(true); g_hAnimate->addActionListener(new MyAnimateListener()); c3->add(g_hAnimate); PGPanel* c4 = new PGPanel(); c4->setLayout(new PGPercentLayout("50% 50%", 4, 0, false)); g_hPrevious = new PGButton("<<"); g_hPrevious->addActionListener(new MyPreviousListener()); g_hPrevious->setEnabled(false); c4->add(g_hPrevious); g_hNext = new PGButton(">>"); g_hNext->addActionListener(new MyNextListener()); g_hNext->setEnabled(false); c4->add(g_hNext); c3->add(c4); panel->add(c3); return panel; } // Create the main menu PGMenuBar* makeMenu() { PGMenuBar* bar= new PGMenuBar(); // Create file menu PGMenu* menu = new PGMenu("&File"); PGMenuItem* item = new PGMenuItem("&Open", "Open an animation from disk"); item->addActionListener(new MyOpenListener()); menu->add(item); menu->add(new PGMenuSeparator()); item = new PGMenuItem("&Exit", "Close Animate"); item->addActionListener(new MyExitListener()); menu->add(item); bar->add(menu); bar->addMenuClosingListener(new MyMenuClosingListener()); return bar; } // Mainproc is different for Windows and GTK PGMAINPROC { PGApplication app; PGINIT(app); //app.setConsoleEnabled(true); PGStyle* style = new PGStyle(); style->setFont(new PGFont("Dialog", PGFONT_PLAIN, 9)); g_hMainFrame = new PGFrame("Animate"); PGINCREF(g_hMainFrame); g_hMainFrame->setStyle(style); g_hMainFrame->addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener()); g_hMainFrame->setLayout(new PGBorderLayout(4,4,3,3)); g_hMainFrame->add(makeTopPanel(), PGBORDERLAYOUT_NORTH); g_hViewer = new MyAnimatedCanvas(500, 300, g_hMainFrame); g_hMainFrame->add(g_hViewer, PGBORDERLAYOUT_CENTER); g_hMainFrame->setMenuBar(makeMenu()); g_hStatus = makeStatus(g_hMainFrame); PGINCREF(g_hStatus); g_hMainFrame->pack(); g_hMainFrame->setVisible(true); PGEXITCODE exitCode = app.run(); PGDECREF(g_hMainFrame); PGDECREF(g_hStatus); return exitCode; }
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